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API reference

This page provides a reference to the Javascript API for wecco.


Creates a new app. The arguments define the app's model, view and update handler as well as the "mount point" inside the DOM.

  • modelInitializer - initializer to create the initial model - either synchronously or asynchronously
  • updater - applies update messages to the model - either synchronously or asynchronously
  • view - renders the model - always synchronously
  • mountPoint - the mount point to control using this app

The function returns an AppContext (see below) that can be used to control the app by emitting messages.

class Model {
    // ...

type Message = // ...

function update(ctx: wecco.AppContext<Message>, model: Model, message: Message): Model {
    // ...

function view (ctx: wecco.AppContext<Message>, model: Model) {
    // ...

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { => new Model(), update, view, "#app")


An instance of an AppContext is provided to the view function of an app. The context provides an emit method that can be used to signal a model update by sending a message.

interface AppContext<M> {
    emit(message: M): void


A sentinel value representing the updater's decision not to update the model and skip the re-rendering cycle. May be returned from an update function to indicate that side effects happend (such as updating the storage) but no re-rendering is needed.

Custom Elements


define is used to define a new wecco component which is also a custom element. The render callback provided to define will be called whenever the element`s content needs to be updated.

  • name - the name of the custom element. Must follow the custom element specs (i.e. the name must contain a dash)
  • renderCallback the render callback
  • observedAttributes list of attribute names to observe for changes and bind to data

Returns an instance of a ComponentFactory which can produce instances of the defined component.

const CountClicks = wecco.define("count-clicks", (data: CountClicks, context) => {
    data.count = data.count ?: 0

    return wecco.html`<p>
        <button class="btn btn-primary" @click=${() => { data.count++; context.requestUpdate(); }}>
            You clicked me ${data.count} times
}, "count")


Creates an instance of a defined element which will use the given data and will be added to the given host element. This is an alternative approach to using the ComponentFactory returned by define which does not require a handle to the component factory but uses the browser's built-in registry for custom web components.

The following two snippets as essentially the same:

const SomeComponent = define("some-component", (data: SomeComponentData, requestUpdate) => {
     // ..



define("some-component", (data: SomeComponentData, requestUpdate) => {
     // ..

component("some-component", SomeComponent({}).mount("#body")
  • componentName - the component name
  • data - the bound data
  • host - the host to add the component to

Rendering HTML


updateElement applies the given update request to the given target.

  • target - the target to update. This can be a DOM Element or a CSS selector string.
  • request - the update "request". May be an update function or an ElementUpdater. Usually you will use the return of an wecco.html template string.
  • notifyUpdated whether to send an update event after the element update


Used as a tag for a template string to create an ElementUpdater that updates a DOM node.


Used to create a HTML ShadowDocument to isolate an element from the surrounding CSS and JavaScript.