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HTML tag template string reference

wecco provides the wecco.html template tag that features easy to use mechanics to render HTML from template strings. The HTML is rendered by the browser using HTML <template> elements that are cached and reused for minimal updates.

Element text

You can use literal text as well as placeholders to generate literal element text.

wecco.html`<p>hello, world!</p>`

wecco.html`<p>${"hello, world!"}</p>`

wecco.html`<p>hello, ${"world"}!</p>`

const gretee = "world";   


const message = "Hello,";
const gretee = "world";  
wecco.html`<p>${message} ${gretee}!</p>`


You can use placeholders to set the attributes of HTML elements. You can use a single placeholder as the whole attribute's value as well as combine one or more placeholders with literal text.

const classes = "small hero"
wecco.html`<p class=${classes}>hello, world!</p>`

wecco.html`<p class="${classes} hero">hello, world!</p>`

wecco.html`<p class="${classes} hero ${"col"}">hello, world!</p>`

Remove empty attributes

If you want to remove an attribute if the placeholder used for the value resolves to null, add a +omitempty suffix to the attribute's name:

wecco.html`<p id+omitempty="foo ${undefined}"></p>`

Boolean Attributes

Boolean attributes are attributes with a value that doesn't matter. What matters is whether the attribute is present or not. wecco uses a ? prefix for the attribute name. The value must be a single placeholder that will be used in a boolean context.

wecco.html`<a ?disabled=${false}>hello, world!</a>`


wecco.html can also set Javascript properties of an HTMLElement created from a template string. A good example for this is setting the value of an input element or the checked attribute of a checkbox.

wecco.html`<input type="text" .value=${"hello, world"}>`

wecco.html`<input type="checkbox" .checked=${true} ?disabled=${true}><input type="checkbox" .checked=${true}>

Add Event Listeners

wecco allows you to add event listeners to HTMLElements created from a template by using the event's name prefixed with @ as an attribute. The value must be single placeholder that resolves to a valid JavaScript event handler (usually a function).

const callback = () => { clicked = true }

wecco.html`<a @click=${callback}>Hello, world</a>`

The event attribute name can be suffixed with any of the following suffixes which customize the event listener registration:

Suffix Description
+capture Sets the capture property of the Options object passed to addEventListener to true
+passive Sets the passive property of the Options object passed to addEventListener to true
+once Sets the once property of the Options object passed to addEventListener to true
+stoppropagation Creates a wrapper for the listener that calls event.StopPropagation()
+stopimmediatepropagation Creates a wrapper for the listener that calls event.StopImmediatePropagation()
+preventdefault Creates a wrapper for the listener that calls event.PreventDefault()
wecco.html`<div @click=${callback.bind(null, "div")}><a @click+stopPropagation=${callback.bind(null, "a")}>Hello, world</a></div>`

The @update listener

wecco adds a special update event that is invoked everytime this element or parts of it are updated. You can subscribe for this event to apply custom logic when the element updates.

const callback = (e: CustomEvent) => { element = as Element} 
wecco.html`<a @update=${callback}>Hello, world</a>`