This page gives you an overview of how wecco
can be used. This is your page
to go especially of you are new to wecco
. If you have specific questions
concerning the API the JavaScript API has an in-depth reference.
For questions on how to write template strings see the
HTML template reference.
A wecco
The following code contains a full "app" for a button that counts the number of times a user clicked it.
import * as wecco from "@weccoframework/core"
class Model {
constructor(public readonly count: number, public readonly explanation: string) {}
inc() {
return new Model(this.count + 1, this.explanation)
type Message = "inc"
function update(ctx: wecco.AppContext<Message>, model: Model, message: Message): Model {
function view (ctx: wecco.AppContext<Message>, model: Model) {
return wecco.html`
<button class="btn btn-primary" @click=${() => ctx.emit("inc")}>
You clicked me ${model.count} times
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { => new Model(0, "Click the button to increment the counter."), update, view, "#count-clicks-app")
apps use the Model-View-Update architecture pattern. This pattern
separates the logic into a model that gets rendered via view functions.
Updates to the model happen via a central update function.
In the example above the Model
class represents the model: a simple counter.
Note that inc
method the provides the "business capabilities" of the model.
An instance of the model will be rendered by the view
function. This
function is called by wecco
with the current model instance and a context
which can be used to emit update messages. The view function uses a tagged
template string to create the HTML. The template tag wecco.html
is very
powerful. It compiles the template string into a hidden HTML <template>
element and reuses that everytime the view function is executed. While this
allows the developer to simple return a template string, under the hood a
lot of caching and reusing is happening to only update what is changed.
The update
function is responsible for executing updates on the model. This
function is called by wecco
everytime an update Message
is emitted. The
function receives the current model instance and the message and provides a
new (or updated) model reference which will then get rendered again.
The call to
brings these functions together and starts the app.
The rendered content will go to the element identified by the CSS expression
. The first parameter is the "model initializer". This
function is called once at the very start of the app to produce the initial
model. Use this function to implement URL routing or restore a previous model
from the local or session storage.
A custom element
also provides a simple API for defining custom elements. These can be
used standalone or as part of an app.
Here is the same count clicks example with a custom element:
import * as wecco from "@weccoframework/core"
interface CountClicks {
count?: number
const CountClicks = wecco.define("count-clicks", (data: CountClicks, context) => {
data.count = data.count ?: 0
return wecco.html`<p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @click=${() => { data.count++; context.requestUpdate(); }}>
You clicked me ${data.count} times
}, "count")
is used to define a custom element. It returns a factory
function that can be used to create instances of the web component. In addition
it registers the custom element's name so that HTML references to the element
will be resolved.
The first parameter to wecco.define
defines the name of the component and
must follow the custom webcomponent's conventions (i.e. it must contain a dash).
The second parameter is the render callback. The render callback is called everytime the component should update.
The first parameter passed to this callback is the component's data. Using Typescript this parameter's type is defined using a generic type parameter. You commonly use an interface to describe the type.
The second parameter is the notify update callback. It can be used to notify
the component that something has changed and the component should update its
content. We use this callback to notify when the user has clicked the button
and we updated the data
-attribute count
The last line creates an instance of the component passing in an object that
implements CountClicks
- the data interface - which initializes the
component's data state. The result is an instance of HTMLElement
which can be
added to the DOM using plain DOM manipulation functions. The object also
provides a convenience method mount
which can be used to add the element to
dom: Simply pass in a HTMLElement
or a string which is passed to
in order to obtain the element to add the new element
as a child.
Check out the examples to see these two in action as well as the classical todo app.